Animated Banner Maker is a banner design tool that saves output files as GIF.
The application allows creating banners basing on supplied templates (over 300 examples). Static or moving text can be inserted. Background can be replaced, size can be changed, movie clip insertion and re-location, effects to apply can be selected, etc. As a GIF resulting file, the output can be added to a web page.
For dynamic or static text insertion, font, font size, color, etc. can be selected from the offered options, as well as text position. For dynamic text, the application allows to set PosX and Pos Y, center the text, time to appear, delay time, letter and line spacing, shadow, etc.
On every banner template, the background color can be replaced, select solid and gradient color, image fill, etc.
The publishers claim that the application is very easy to use, but we think that is not that easy. User interface is not intuitive at all. No help file or further explanations. Everything the application can do is based on the tabs that are shown on the user interface. The only available 'wizard' is the very short explanation contained into the 'How it works' tab.